15 Websites To Do Easy Work From Home (Make Money Online in 2024)

Imagine starting your mornings with a steaming cup of coffee, comfortably nestled in your favorite armchair, ready to earn money from the comfort of your home. In his latest video, Shane Hummus unveils 15 platforms offering work-from-home jobs that are not only easy but also flexible to fit your preferred work schedule. From conducting surveys to freelancing and side gigs, these websites cater to a range of skills, allowing you to generate income at your own pace.

Shane’s video highlights various platforms like Testable Minds, a platform where you can contribute to behavioral and psychological research studies for pay. Other platforms such as Eastern Standard Time enable you to make money through activities like answering surveys and product testing, while sites like Amazon’s Marketplace Turk offer micro-tasking jobs. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or simply exploring the realm of online work, this video is your guide to unlocking income opportunities right from your living room.

#1 Make Money Online Recommendation

Testable Minds: Participate in research studies

For those of you who are a little curious and love the idea of contributing to science, Testable Minds can be an exciting platform. This website offers you the chance to participate in behavioral and psychological research studies. Besides learning and contributing to the scientific community, you also get paid for your time, which makes it quite a win-win.

Get paid for participating in behavioral and psychological studies

Now, you must be curious about earning potential while participating in these studies. Well, it can generate around $50 per month for you. Although this may not be much, every little bit counts in the grand scheme of things. It’s exciting because you’re giving back to society, contributing and shaping the future of science, and also getting some monetary reward for the time you’ve invested.

Limited income potential: around $50 per month

Like anything in life, not everything is without its limitations. For Testable Minds, while it is a great way to earn and learn, the income potential is limited to around $50 per month. But, don’t be disheartened! If you enjoy the process, and combine this with other income sources, it could be a nice little boost to your monthly income.

Earnings are rated 7/10

After thoroughly reviewing Testable Minds, we can confidently say that the earning potential is rated a solid 7/10. It’s a decent score for a platform that not only pays you but also satiates your thirst for knowledge and discovery.

Eastern Standard Time: A multi-option platform

If you’re looking for a platform with multiple ways to earn, look no further than Eastern Standard Time. This online platform offers numerous income avenues.

Offers numerous ways to earn money, such as answering surveys and testing products

When we say numerous ways to earn money, we mean it. Whether you enjoy answering surveys or testing products, there is something for everyone here.

15 Websites To Do Easy Work From Home (Make Money Online in 2024)

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Click to buy – My Make Money Online Recommendation

CrowdTap: Get rewarded for feedback

Speaking of giving feedback, here’s another platform where your opinions matter. CrowdTap is a platform where you are rewarded for sharing your feedback on various brands.

Partake in focus groups and share feedback on various brands

Not only will you partake in focus groups, but you’ll also get the chance to share your feedback on a multitude of brands. In exchange, you’ll receive gift cards which you can use as you please.

Payout usually in the form of gift cards

While payouts are typically in the form of gift cards, the brands and companies that offer these are fairly popular and wide-ranging. These gift cards can work as money savers in your regular shopping.

Amazon’s Marketplace Turk (MTK): Micro-tasking for money

Imagine getting paid for doing mini tasks for businesses or individuals! That’s what Amazon’s Marketplace Turk (MTK) offers. It’s a platform where you engage in micro-tasking jobs that span a variety of categories.

Find micro-tasking jobs for businesses or individuals

The range of jobs differs based on what suits you best. Some tasks can be more complex and time-consuming but tend to pay more. It gives you the flexibility to choose tasks based on your skill, time, and income requirements.

Certain tasks can earn more than others depending on difficulty and time required

MTK might offer a plethora of tasks, but not all of them will yield the same amount of money. Tasks requiring more effort and time naturally have a higher payout. Hence, selecting tasks strategically can help maximize your earnings.

15 Websites To Do Easy Work From Home (Make Money Online in 2024)

Prolific: Earn by engaging in academic research

If you’ve always had an inclination towards academia, Prolific is the platform for you. It allows you to earn by participating in academic surveys and studies.

Average earnings are between $6-$12 per hour

The best part about Prolific is that it pays you decently for your participation. On average, you can reap between $6-$12 per hour, which is not a bad deal at all for something that flexes your intellect.

Take part in academic surveys and studies

Getting to take part in academic surveys and studies allows you to stay connected with the academic field. All the while, you’re paid for your contributions, making it another great platform to look into.

Swag Bucks: Online rewards for various activities

Swag Bucks is another fun and versatile way to earn online rewards. You can perform a variety of activities, right from shopping to completing surveys and even playing games.

Receive cash or gift cards for activities such as shopping, completing surveys, and playing games

For all these activities, you get rewarded in the form of cash back or gift cards that you can utilize for future use. The more you play, shop, or survey, the more points you accumulate.

Exchange points accumulated for rewards

Although working with Swag bucks doesn’t directly yield cash, the accumulated points can be exchanged for rewards. This could be treated as savings when you shop with the accumulated reward points.

15 Websites To Do Easy Work From Home (Make Money Online in 2024)

Survey Savvy: Get paid for your opinions

If you love expressing your opinions, then Survey Savvy is a platform you should definitely check out. It offers cash rewards in exchange for completing surveys.

Complete surveys for compensation

Just simply sign up, start filling out surveys, and watch as your earnings pile up. It’s as straightforward as that!

BrandB: Surveys and device usage rewards

BrandB allows you to earn money in a very interesting manner: not only completing surveys but also for sharing your device usage data.

Payouts can be in the form of gift cards or cashback rewards via shopping through the app

The rewards you receive from BrandB can be in the form of gift cards or cashback rewards when you shop through the app. It’s a rewarding way to shop and share information.

Earn by sharing device usage data and completing surveys

While some might hesitate to share device usage data, it’s another well-compensated way to earn some extra cash. This, coupled with finishing surveys, can give you a steady stream of income.

GG2U: Gaming, surveys, and videos for income

If you love gaming, taking surveys, and watching videos, GG2U is the platform for you. It offers compensation for engaging in these activities.

Get paid to engage in gaming, take part in surveys, and watch videos

GG2U pays its users to engage in gaming, partake in surveys, and watch videos. It’s an exciting blend of entertainment and earnings, making it a great platform particularly for younger audiences.


From conducting research studies to gaming, there’s a platform fit for every skill set and schedule. These platforms offer a potential for substantial income, especially when you utilize a combination of these sites. However, it’s essential that you conduct diligent research to verify the offers and potential earnings for each platform.

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